Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Holiday gift to you all...

Yes, I'm a crotchety old fart, hard to deal with at the very best and at most times just a fucking bitch on wheels.  But it 'tis the Season as they say.  Yes, sometimes I mellow into something almost resembling human...

To all of you I give a great gift.  Precious in my opinion.  A box full of moonlight.  Yes, I said a box full of moonlight.  Don't ever open it or it will escape and be lost to you forever.  Guard it well, keep it close and treat it as something more valuable than gold.  If you do, it will serve you well and keep you safe, warm and full of laughter.

As a child I used to stare up into the night sky and see the moon.  (I still do.) It amazed me.  It changed shape.  It disappeared and reappeared.  I could even  see it during the day.  And the most amazing thing was that it would cast a shadow behind me when it was full at night.  A shadow!!!  In the middle of the night!!!  And I could almost read by it.  If that isn't magic then I don't know what is.  All of our human cultures have worshiped it in some way or another, assigned gods or goddesses  to it, built holidays around it or at the very least named a day of the week after it.  Hell, we've even BEEN there and put some foot prints on it..  It has a "face" that we recognize and have even given a name to.  It manages to keep us in our orbit around the sun.   It is powerful enough to give us tides.   And every 28 days it seems to make us go crazy in some way or another.  Check the police reports...  Or ask your wife/girlfriend what her "cycle" is.    Or talk to some grunion.  Yeah, it's got some serious influence...

When I found out that the shadow the full moon cast of me was reflected sunlight back to the dark side of the earth I was gobsmacked to say the least.  Pretty powerful shit in my opinion.   At first, I tried to capture it in empty mayonnaise jars at grandma's house but that didn't seem to work very well.  Those jars were best for fire-flies.  Which I would later let loose in her house.  Much to her dismay.  Oh, well, I was young...   I later learned I  could capture them in one of grandpa's old cigar boxes.  But only if I had some tape to keep the boxes closed very tightly.  And hid them under the bed.  Grandma understood me so when she would find the boxes she would always leaved them sealed.  She knew what I was saving.  God, I miss that woman so freaking badly.  She just knew that I was a "bit" different...

Moon light...  To all of you, a taste of magic.  A box of something so special, so dramatic  and so amazing it should bring you to your knees.  From 92, 000,000 miles away, with a 258,000 mile transit stop from the moon, to here.  Happily Holidays!!!  The Warmest Wishes To You All!!!

And don't you dare open that box.   Pass it on.  And tell them to keep it safe, sealed and close.  It's a box of moonlight afterall...  It just don't get much better than that...

Again, Happy Holidays to you all!  Stay safe and warm!  And keep smiling as you look up at the moon and under your bed...

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