Monday, August 1, 2011

Dum & Dumerer...

Oh, lord, Madison has certainly had a weekend that befits us. has been a plethora of local stupidity on a grand scale.  Humankind will never cease to amaze, confound and depress me.  And keep me laughing what is left of my ass off.  We have opposable thumbs.  Fabulous invention.  What do most of us do with them?  Roll our boogers till they get dry enough to flick them off...  Trust me, I can't make this kind of shit up.

First, there was a train and vehicle "mishap".  Some idiot was racing a train to an intersection crossing.  Never a good thing.  The driver apparently thought that he could make it over the unprotected crossing first.  NOT!!!  Damned near cut the car in half.  Since the driver is no longer with us I plan on nominating him for a "Darwin Award".  That's the award you win when you are just TOO FUCKING STUPID  to be alive.  It's like a Nobel Prize for the shallow end of the gene pool.  And what the fuck is up with unprotected railroad crossings???  A yield sign is not enough in my opinion.

Then there was the idiot with the horses.  Three of them to be exact.  Which he abandoned on the Capital Square to die of hunger, thirst and heat exhaustion.  He had just ridden them here from southern Florida to raise awareness for hunger.  Hunger.  How about you feed your freaking horses, you bastard!!!  What part of the hottest summer in the history of Earth did you miss???  And yes, he is now in jail.  The horses are now in protective custody under the witness protection program and hooked up to saline and glucose IV push therapy.  Much to their delight.

Here's my favorite.  A cop exits the police station to go and grab dinner.  Who does he find leaning up against the side of his squad car in the parking lot?  A TOTALLY brain dead individual smoking a joint the size of a cigar and drinking a 40 ounce of Old English out of a paper bag!!!  Dude, you are in the police station parking lot!!!  You have a rapsheet longer than Grace Jones's tongue!!!  You are waiting outside while a friend of yours bails out  her husband inside the station!!!  Hello???  You are not the shallow end of the gene pool, you are the shore line!!!  Needless to say, he is now sharing a cell with the horse guy.

I guess they don't call us Mad-Town without good reason...

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