Would do something this ass backwards??? Ten feet of underwater dynamite fuse. Even at the age I am now I wouldn't let me have access to that shit. Yet, at the age of 14 I was able to buy it. In cash. goddess, the 1960's were such a simpler time...
OK, let's just cut to the chase here. Me. A large pan on the stove. Some salt peter and sugar. A bit of duct tape. And an empty compressed air cartridge. And a very devious mind. Very, very devious mind...
So, I took out a garage, a 1966 Chevrolet Biscaine, most of the side porch and a lot of windows for about two blocks around. Thankfully it wasn't my house. Just a couple of doors down though... Oh, goddess, the fireball was amazing!!! Needless to say I high tailed it to the cemetery and hid behind a large grave stone. What I did had to do with youth and stupidity but today would put me in prison for life plus 99, To this day, I sit on my ass in the kitchen and laugh my ass off.
I was not an easy child by any stretch of the imagination and as an adult I am even worse.
I would have it no other way...
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