Oh, goddess, I love rain! I have no idea why but rain makes me sing. It makes my heart race. It gives me the opportunity to dance wildly in puddles like Gene Kelly. And to run naked through the neighborhood. OK, you probably don't want to take that exit. TMI...
I love rain. Whether it is a sprinkle or a monsoon. And goddess, I have been through them both. My intermittent wipers have served me well for decades. And then I have literally been pounded to my knees in the Tropics in the middle of something of Biblical proportions. I have been in the middle of flash flooding that would scare the scales off of you. I have witnessed SUV's floating down streets and stairways turn into water features that you could literally white water raft in. Yeah, I've seen me a whole shit load of water...
I can count at least 4 time zones (that I can remember) and two hemispheres when I have literally been beaten down to my knees by rain. Yeah, some big stuff. Oh, have mercy, I have been subjected to rain that words just cannot describe. And I have loved it all. Well, once I got finished being scared shitless at what was washing done the hill...
It is raining at the moment. A nice, gentle June rain. I am in heaven. BTW, I am taking my clothes off as I type...
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