Sunday, March 17, 2013


OK, so the Blog is back up and running.  Yes, I rant.  Yes, I rage.  And, yes, I do indeed blow smoke and mirrors out of my ass when the mood strikes me.  Hey, it's my Blog, get over it.

I just checked my stats and it has come to my attention that I actually have readers from 10 different countries.  From North America, Central America, europe, (oops, sorry, that should have been a capital "E") and Asia.  China to be specific.  How the hell did you find this Blog?  Hell, how did any of you find this Blog???  Why am I not being censored in China???  Does China think that I am "safe"?  LMFAO!!!   OK, for 10 trillion Renmibi's I will agree to perform at the Birdsnest.  But only if Celine Dione is my opening act.  And she's in drag.  Oh, wait, she is in drag.  But I digress...

For you far flung souls out there, please leave me a comment.  Let me know how you found me.  Let me know what you think.  Both of the Blog and how you think in general.  Play your cards right and you might even get my email address.  Would love to hear from you and know where you are from!!!

Yes, this is a weak post.  But I'm curious to see who actually reads my rants.  Inquiring minds want to know...

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