Thursday, February 27, 2014


Yes, this is my kind of day!!!  Today is NATIONAL CHILI DAY!!!!  Si!!! 

I am in heaven.  I raided the freezer this morning and several quarts of homemade chili are defrosting on the counter as I type.  Chili is one of my favorite comfort foods.  It takes me the better part of the day to make it.  I use four different kinds of beans and what ever side of dead animal I happen to have on the ready.  It's a labor of love.

It is the end of February in 'sconsin.  The windchill right now is actually 22-degrees below fucking zero.  HOLY SHIT!!!  Yeah, it's a chili kind of dinner tonight. Fresh cornbread will be available in abundance.     In the name of the goddess, why the hell do I live here???  Oh, wait, I remember now.  Vodka.  In large amounts.  Dare I say copious amounts???

Tonight we feast on chili.  Enough said...

Yes, there is a sonrisa on my cara!

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