OK, as you all know by now, I just love me a challenge. Especially if someone tells me not to do something. There just ain't a faster way to get me to do it!!! Twice. But if someone challenges me TO do something, well, that's a whore of a different color. Those are the times I force myself to sit back and ask one serious question: "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET MY ASS KILLED???" Today I got that kind of a challenge. And I giggled at the possibilities of the repercussions. This, I thought to myself, could be one hell of a good time!!!
Today I received an email from a reader, a dear, dear friend in Mexico about my post of May 3. It seems she liked it. In fact, it seemed she loved it. As have all of her friends that she has had link into my blog. I seem to have struck a chord with her with that blog. She is the sweetest woman in the Tropics, would give you the t-shirt off of her back yet at the same time would hose you down just to get you to shut up. She's my own personal Maxine Faulk. Lord, I love me a strong woman!!! She's a bit up there in years (yeah, and like I'm a spring lamb...) but that just hasn't seemed to slow her down a bit. I LOVE this woman!!! She makes me smile. She makes me drink tequila. She makes me laugh. To you, my dear!
Anywho, she tells me that (and I quote) "if you don't send a link to your blog to the GOP and the NRA then you just don't have the balls that I thought you did". Yeah, she talks like that. To her friends. And that's what friends are really for. It's especially entertaining when you hear her say "fuck" three times in one sentence, all the while smoking a cigarette and sipping some tequila on her veranda down in Mexico. She is SO something that I aspire to.
I sat back for a couple of hours, thinking about the challenge. Hmmmm... Hell, this could get interesting. Will the GOP and the NRA view this invitation with scorn and disdain or a bit of (a lot of) humor from the other side of the fence. Or am I just going to be immediately added to the "No Fly List"? Now, you have to understand, I have never been afraid of the GOP. BTW, for you off-worlders out there, that's the Republican Party here in the US. (I am a Democrat. Always have been, always will be. We're the good guys!) Nor am I intimidated by the NRA (again, for you off-worlders, that's the National Rifle Association. I'll say no more...), however their firepower does put me a bit on edge. What did make me light another cigarette, sit back and ponder was their good friend, HOMELAND SECURITY. And let's not forget Homeland Security's personal minion, the TSA? I have been scanned, swiped, swabbed (YES!!!), disinfected and degraded by that shit in way too many airports. Haven't we all???
So, I start thinking, just how deep in shit could I find myself if I really did this? So, half a nono-second later I'm on Google to find the websites of the GOP and the NRA to see if they have a contact link. Of course, they both do. I start shaking like a coke-head looking at a line 3 feet long and quarter of an inch wide. Let's just say that the line won out. Yep, I did it. I just launched a carcass across the fence with my trebuchet. I hope it lands on that Palin woman!!!
I know that I am being monitored as I type. I'm counting the hours until my land line gets hinky. Sea Squirt is rapidly filling empty milk bottles with water and stashing them in the storage locker along with some pillows and blankets. They'll never think of looking there. Oh, god, I'm gonna end up at GIT-MO!!! I'm gonna get water boarded!!!
Bring it on guys! You want some of THIS?!?
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