What the bloody fuck is our species doing??? Not just to ourselves but to every freaking thing around us as well. We have literally taken our "blue marble" hostage.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love humanity. Up to a point. We have been Einstein. We have been Copernicus. Galileo. We have played golf on the moon. Holy shit, we've been motherfucking MOZART for christ's sake!!! MOZART!!! It just doesn't get any better than Mozart. And yet, we have managed to sink into some of the deepest darkest pits you can possibly imagine.
We have laid waste to uncountable cultures. Destroyed civilizations. Societies. Languages. Empires. You name it and we have screwed it up. Yeah, give any one monkey enough rope and he'll fuck it up. And lord knows, we have perfected that ability to an unimaginable degree.
I have done a bit a research. And it sickened me. I was born on July 23, 1953. Just a handful of days after the "end" of the Korean "conflict". (Yeah, that one is still not quite over yet.) Since the day I was born the world has been at war. Somewhere. For what ever reason. We have been throwing bombs, launching missiles, blowing shit up and killing ourselves for 60 fucking years. Nonstop. And with great abandon. War, apparently is indeed "good for business". WTF???
We have willingly put some of the worst monsters in human history in power and watched them wreak havoc on us. The resulting death counts have been staggering. And we just keep doing it. Yeah, we just don't learn from our mistakes. So we just keep repeating them. We don't just have it down to a science, we've got it down to a scenario. It all comes down to collateral damage... Yeah, apparently this kind of chaos gives humans a massive boner, especially if you hit the launch button first...
Why do we feel empowered to "control" the population of every species on this planet except our own??? Seven BILLION humans and we don't see a bit of a problem with that??? SEVEN MOTHERFUCKING BILLION!?! And still growing. What the hell are we thinking??? Oh, wait, that's right... we're not thinking. Did you know that if we divided all of the food that the world produces equally among the worlds population that we would all be undernourished? Yeah, we're screwed...
Yet, we happily go on. Blindfolded and brain dead we crash forward with wild abandon. We make a bull in a china shop look warm and fuzzy. Why? Because god will protect us. Really? Do you actually think that your god is happily clapping her hands as you launch a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the innocent??? It's called slaughter. In my life I have seen too many images of bodies stacked like cord wood. Mass graves. Auschwitz. Cambodia. Rwanda. Bosnia. The list goes on...
We genuinely are "The Three Penney Opera" on the brown acid. Several tabs of it. And we smile as we slash and burn. Leaving a trail of destruction in our wake because we know that we are "right". We're just never gonna learn...
But at least we've got great lighting...
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