I never thought I would ever hear myself say that. Usually when I think about lawyers I automatically start hearing the theme music for "Jaws". And my blood usually starts running about 5-degrees colder. I have even been known to wet myself a bit...
This afternoon that all changed. Let me give you a little background. Several years ago due to some unforeseen financial problems I missed a couple of months of payments on one of my credit cards. CitiBank sold me off to a collection agency in a heartbeat, like a lamb to slaughter. Then my phone started ringing and my mailbox was filled with "hate mail". The first collection agency sold me off to another one which in turn sold me off to yet another one. By that point I was not only totally fed up with threatening phone calls I honestly wasn't sure who owned the debt anymore. Then I got the letter from 5 great whites with an LLC behind their name. Yes, an alleged "law firm" from Milwaukee who decided to play hardball. When the hell did actual lawyers decide it was a good idea to form their own collection agency? What, you all graduate bottom of your class? Well, they took me to court and got a judgement against me. Then they found out that I was disabled, on Social Security and didn't own anything of real "feeding frenzy" value. They were not amused. I tapped danced out of the court house.
This last Sunday night we had a knock on the door and I was served a summons. They were going to go after me again. Only this time they were gonna play really dirty. Since they couldn't get anything out of me or access my Social Security benefits they had decided to go for a Garnishment award on my checking account so they could freeze it. Basically, if they couldn't touch my Social Security they certainly weren't willing to let me touch it either. PANIC!!! BLIND PANIC!!! Then I went, hey, I'm disabled. I have access to free lawyers.
Early Monday morning I'm on the phone and talking to a lawyer. Her name is Miri and she is a charmer. Young and fiesty. I like that. Anyway, I meetwith her today. It took less than 30 minutes and I was on my way back home. She was quite impressed that I showed up with a manila folder full of paperwork for her to work with. An hour after I left her office she gave me a call. She had eaten her way through several of the sharks in Milwaukee and they were preparing the paperwork to stop the Garnishment as we spoke. The cell phone fell out of my hand. I had fought with those bastards for 2 years to no avail and she gets them to stand down and scatter in less than an hour. With a single phone call. She is now my lawyer of choice.
Miri, here's to you!!!
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