Tuesday, November 26, 2013


How the bloody fucking hell could you have done this???  Good lord.  NO!!!  And you had the balls to do it sort of  "live" on television.  You bastards!!!  You fucking bastards!!!  You motherfucking bastards!!!  How dare you do this!!!

His name was Brian.  He was a white Labrador Retriever.  He was an essential part of the Griffin family on the animated series "Family Guy".  He loved a good dry martini.  And cigars.  Hell, he chain smoked them like crazy.  One of his litter mates was gay.  REALLY gay.  Brian had insight.  Hell, he was about the only one in that family with sanity.  He could quote Shakespeare.  And Dante.  He could drive a car.  Hell, he had credit cards.  At one point he was engaged to a woman with the biggest tits you can possibly imagine.  Yes, such was Brian.

This week, they killed him off.  Run over by a car.  Mangled beneath the wheels.  Fuck...

Not only did we watch him get run over we watched him flat-line at the vet's office as he said good bye to his family.

OMG, what were you thinking???  What you did to this character was so fucking horrid it just leaves me without words to curse you enough.  Have none of you ever stood over an exam table and watched a loyal and loving pet die???  You bastards!!!

Yes, Brian was just an animated cartoon dog but he was an inspiration to me.  His insight was wonderful and his sense of humor just wickedly truthful.  He could look you right in the eyes and just cut you off at the knees.  He made me laugh.  He made me blush.  He made me smile.

Who in there right mind kills off a cartoon character???

Cartoon character be damned, you just killed off one of my single most favorite things on the planet.  You killed a dog.  You bastards!!!  Fuck you.

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