If this nimrod worked for me I would fire him just out of principle. After I had whipped him severely about the head and shoulders for an extended period of time.
Friends of a woman living in Atlanta decided to throw her a surprise birthday party and decided that it would be fun to have a melted chocolate fountain to dip the strawberries, the pretzels and rippled potato chips in. I like that. Hey, with friends like that you know that your back will always be covered. To make the party all the more easier they decided to have it catered. Always a good idea. Well, maybe not this time...
From the sound of things all went swimmingly and the birthday girl was thrilled. Until the next morning that is. That's when she discovered that her kitchen sink was clogged up and the garbage disposal was jammed. She attempted the broom handle trick on the disposal to no avail. She also noticed that her disposal seemed to be pretty much full of something solid. Way solid. If this did not strike a personal nerve in me of such a deep nature I would probably be laughing my ass off.
It seems that the night before as the catering staff was cleaning up after the party one of them decided it made sense to just dump the rest of the melted chocolate that was left over down her kitchen sink. TEN POUNDS of melted chocolate!!! (See, I told this was a capital crime.) One, it's a stupid idea. Two, it's chocolate. Ten pounds of it. Throwing away chocolate is like drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa. It's chocolate. CHOCOLATE!!! C,mon, you guys know me. I've been known to trade sexual favors for chocolate. Chocolate is a definitive part of my food pyramid.
So, the lady calls a plumber. OK, he's a bit stumped. His plumbers snake is useless so he tries pressure forcing it out. Guess what? All of the pipes under her sink rupture. To cut to the chase, $2,500, a new garbage disposal, new pipes under the sink, 8 feet of new pipe behind the wall and a large section of removed wall later she has use of her sink back. Yeah, she is NOT a happy camper.
By this time she has indeed contacted the catering agency. And they happily inform her that it is not their responsibility and they are not going to pay for the damages. WHAT??? Again, WHAT??? As some of you know, I used to run a catering agency. I would be groveling to this lady. As I beat the employee senseless and summarily tossed him down the elevator shaft. And not so much because he had just cost me $2500 but because he had thrown out chocolate. TEN FREAKING POUNDS OF IT!!! Ask the lady if she has some Tupperware. Pack it up for her. Put in her refrigerator. Hand it out to the departing guests. Steal it, I don't care. But you NEVER throw out chocolate. It's chocolate for crap's sake!!! CHOCOLATE!!!
If I were that caterer I would personally help this lady sue my former employee back to the Stone Age. He deserves to spend some time as a prison bitch!
You mindless idiot!!! IT'S CHOCOLATE!!!
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