Yeah, I'm that freaking pissed off right now.
Have you heard about this??? Only in Texas could things be this screwed up. Have you folks down there forgotten that you are a part of the United States??? The rest of this country, which you apparently are not a part of has something called a justice system. Jurisprudence, as it were. Us simple minded folks refer to it as innocent until proven guilty. It's a principle of our legal system. Carved in stone as I recall. Has something to do with the Constitution. It's called legal protection under the law. It's one of our basic rights, for chris'sakes!!!
At any rate, I digress in my anger.
A high school in Texas has sort of (actually BIG TIME) arbitrarily decided to refuse its top graduating, straight A student from attending graduation ceremony for allegedly drinking alcohol before attending her senior prom. Allegedly??? Let me put that in a different light... A-L-L-E-D-G-E-D-L-Y??? WTFAYT??? Oh, wait, you're not thinking. You're from Texas. Or as I like to say, Tex-ASS!!! I keep forgetting that you are home to that Bush group of inbred sob's.
School officials yanked her and several other students out of the prom and on what appears to be a whim and decided to gut her for what is yet to be proved accusations of having been drinking. Were the authorities called? No. Was a breathalyzer performed? No. Was anything done in a way that made sense and in a responsible adult way? No. Was anyone else who was removed treated this way? No.
Had she been drinking? I don't care, it was Senior Prom. Who the hell is sober at Senior Prom??? Trust me, been there, done that, got the puke stains on the back seat of mom's Buick. Yeah, I got nailed. But at least I had the privilege of some evidence. You did NOT give this young woman the same dignity or chance to explain. No, you just decided to t-bone her. And make it personal. Did you nail the rest of the students that you ejected??? No. You just decided to single out your Valedictorian without a single shred of evidence. Just an accusation. An accusation. An ACCUSATION. You dirt bags. How can you sleep at night? How can you look in a mirror? How can you call yourselves "educators"??? You have happily given this young woman straight A's for 12 years for her excellent academic abilities and then somehow managed to destroy her with an unfounded, unproven, completely horse-shit accusation. Yes, let me repeat that... an accusation. An accusation does not fly well in this country. At least not the country that I aspire to be a citizen of. It's called burden of proof. And you don't have a rat's ass worth of that against this young woman. Yet you back yourselves up with this bull-headed, shit-headed, head up your asses attitude that you have the right to make these "judgements". How dare you!!! You FUCKING pin heads!!!
She has every right to sue you back to the stone age (oh, wait, I forgot, you're Texas, you're already there) and I will personally donate to her legal defense. What part of "innocent until PROVEN guilty" have you stupid shitheads seemingly forgotten is a RIGHT in MY country???????
I hope she eats you alive and doesn't leave enough left to cast a freaking shadow !!!
You go girl!!!
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