Friday, September 24, 2010

I have a "Play-Doh" date!!!

How cool is that, I ask you?  A Play-Doh date!!!  Remember that stuff?  That semi-gelatinous paste that used to pass as a clay like substance?  In colors NOT found in nature?  You could use it forever, I swear.  You could bake it and make it  "solid".  Of sorts.  You could paint it.  You could eat it.  Yes, I ate it as a child.  Could have used a bit more salt and some garlic for my tastes though.

Anyway, my faux-niece (all of six years old now and quite worldly) has graciously invited me to a tea party tomorrow so we can break out all of her Play-Doh and ravage the dinning room table once again.  The last time we did this I spent the better part of two hours digging Play-Doh flotsam out of her parents carpet so they wouldn't know we had a Play-Doh fight.  Yeah, I'm a totally cool aunt!!!  Who in there right mind would willingly hand their child over to me???  Yet, I seem to be the babysitter of choice for this little wonder and light of my life.  And yes, I am officially known as "Auntie Donn".  She is my partner in crime.  We have trashed a few Olive Garden's in our time together.   Can you say wearing whole black olives on our fingers?   All of our fingers!!!  And possibly a couple of toes as well.  Culver's is our place of worship.  She lives for those Team Scoopie points and I have been known to mainline the Caramel Cashew Nut Sundaes.  About the only thing I haven't managed to teach her is to introduce herself as Baby Jesus to strangers.  Sadly, her mother refuses to let me do that.  I've been slapped up against the back of my head so many times by her mother I've lost count.  Could be some brain damage by now...

Anyway, the date...  This one is gonna rock big time!  She has gallons of Play-Doh and a Play-Doh factory that makes the one I had as kid pale by comparison.  Hers is digital for christ's sake.  And about the size of a Chevy Malibu.  And I've been told to bring some "tools" along that we can use to make even cooler Play-Doh things with.  What can I say, she has me wrapped around her finger.  I have a pile of stuff on the kitchen counter about a foot high to take out there.  Everything from jar lids to pot scrapers to crinkle-cut vegetable cutters to popsicle makers to Kool-Aid from Chile to apple scented bubbles to a nose and glasses disguise kit.  Did I mention the lime squeezer from Mexico?  Great for making hair or worms.    Oh  yeah, this one truly owns me outright!  My god, she's only six and she already has her very own personal bitch!!!  Lord, girl, I have raised you well!!!  I figure that for her 7th birthday I start teaching her how to drive a manual transmission.  On the interstate.  At night.  In reverse.  While smoking.  With an open container in the car.  Hey, you're never too young to learn a valuable skill or two.  Look for our pictures on a wanted poster coming soon to a post office near you!!!

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