Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sloth and Avarice: My two favorite flavors!

Yes, I'm responsible.  And dependable.  And on time.   But push come to shove  I'd rather be sitting on my ass and eating  a papaya under a palapa.  Drinking some Sangria Blanca that someone else made for me.    As for the avarice thing, yeah, I want it all.  And I do mean ALL of it!  But you'd better be willing to bring it to me because I can be too lazy to get up off my ass and get it myself,  (RE:  look back  at sloth).   Just bring it to me, it's easier that way.  For both of us.  I get what I want and you don't get caned into a stupor!!!  It's a win-win situation don't you think?  Ponder it for a moment.....  My pleasure.   Your flesh.  Or lack thereof...

Sloth.  The word even sounds lazy when you say it.  Imagine hearing it at 3/4 speed and you get the idea.  There are some things I just DON'T do.  House cleaning is one of them.  I'd rather just move to another apartment when the one I'm living in gets too dusty.  I've even been known to own a large dog with a big tail just so he could dust the table tops so I didn't have to.  Hell, I'm more afraid of the vacuum cleaner than most of the dogs I've ever owned!  And I've had some seriously vacuum-phobic dogs.  Once, one actually hung himself.  My other half made the mistake of asking me why I don't vacuum and I told him that we were out of vacuum cleaner bags.  He suggested that I go out and buy some.  I told him "no".   I'll shop for all kinds of things but vacuum cleaner bags just aren't on my list.

Avarice.  Now that's my kind of word!  It's all about cravings.  And lord knows, there are some things out there that I crave like a crack whore.  Chocolate is at the top of my list on most days.  Milk chocolate.  Swiss chocolate. Dark chocolate.  Bitter sweet chocolate.  Baking chocolate.  Chocolate spiced with chili.  Anything covered in chocolate. Your chocolate.  I'd hold you up in a dark alley at knife point if I thought you had some Lundt's on you.  Taking candy from a baby has a whole different meaning for me and I practice it on a regular basis.  I go berserk in Mexico, their chocolate is totally mind blowing and my carry-on is usually stuffed with it on the flight back home.   I brought back so much one year that US Customs detained me.  They not only x-rayed every piece of chocolate individually that I had in my luggage  but actually brought in one of the drug dogs as well.  Now, I know some folks have been known to do that sort of thing.  Not me though.  The little chocolate bits tend to get caught in the straw.


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