Thursday, September 16, 2010

You had WHAT in your carry-on luggage????

OK, I'm pretty well traveled and I admit I've managed to get some pretty strange shit onto planes in my time.  Once in college I brought back 3 dozen Jamaican "fruit knives" on a trip back from Spring Break.  OK, they were actually gravity operated switch blades but that was just a technicality to me then.  Tomato.  To-mah-to.   Then there was that briefcase  full of  herbage a couple of years later.   I won't go into that one.  I've had animal skins, feathers and even the occasional piece of produce.  I've brought celadon back from Korea, pharmaceuticals from Hong Kong and ivory from China that was so hot it hurt!  Stuff from Mexico?  Don't even ask....

But this was all before the days of the dear TSA.  Hell, I can't even get batteries or Fabuloso in my luggage these days.  Ketchup and spices?  Yes.  Household cleaning supplies?  No!  It's Fabuloso for christ's sake!  What am I going to do?  Disinfect the freaking fold down tray table???

So, here's what just amazes the shit out of me.  Two incredibly stupid American tourists, on their way back to the States from Mykonos transit through Athens International to make a connection and get busted.  With  SIX human skulls in their carry-on luggage!  SIX HUMAN SKULLS!!!  How lax is the airport security in Mykonos?  Is Aero Lesbos the Greyhound bus of the skies in Greece?  How freaking big were their carry-on bags?  How fucking stupid are these two?   And,  didn't that smell  just a little weird????

Their explanation is even more amazing.  They bought them at a tourist trap shop on Mykonos and thought they were reproductions.   Reproductions???  Who are you people, Jeffrey Dahmers siblings???  OK, I can almost understand ONE fake skull as a souvenir of my vacation to the Greek Isles (not really)  but SIX!!!  Those just don't make good stocking stuffers in my book. 

A few years back I was damned near tackled and strip searched at an airport in Mexico because I had a small bag of Cajeta in my carry-on.  It's goat milk caramel filled chocolates.  Chocolates for christ's sake!  And these fools get on board with human skulls!  The last I have heard they have been charged with desecrating graves and trafficking in  human remains.  And then released on their own recognizance and allowed to fly back to the States.  Calls to the gift shop on Mykonos have apparently gone unanswered...

Shoot me out of a cannon.

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