Today, the Cosmos aligned. And I was at the center of it. There is a smile on my face, a lilt in my step (and I just LOVE that!!!), a crock-pot the size of a bathtub and knives and cutting boards of immense proportion. And I gutted my available legumes and root vegetables with abandon. Let's just say, come hell or high water, I was gonna make some SERIOUSLY ASS good chicken soup today.
Yeah, trust me, nothing is better than chicken soup. And my chicken soup rocks!!! What can I say, Jews just know how to do this... I went at this thing with a vengeance, as I always do. Let's just say the crock pot was totally overpowered in about 4 minutes. Then the Nesco turkey roaster got yanked out to take up the slack. Holy shit, I was up to my tits in this stuff. Thank you, Nesco.!!! Let's just say 8 hours later I was up to my motherfucking tits in chicken soup. Which, if you think about it is NOT a bad thing. Lord, I do truly understand chicken soup for the soul. It's not just a phrase, it's a way of life... How can you not love home made chicken soup. Especially, mine... OK, that may sound a bit pissy, but hey, I give really good soup. Among other things...
Several gallons of home made chicken and vegetable soup were spread around this apartment complex this evening. Along with an appropriate amount of fresh bolillos and some spoons. And life is good.
Yes, I am an crusty old fart. Angry by some definitions. But friendly enough to reach a hand down a dark well and help you back up. Trust me, I've been there and done it. I love the hand up. It's called paying it forward. Or, at least, from a wizened woman in Mexico, known as just changing a street corner.
Just leave it better than what you came into.
I have the utmost respect for that.
It does indeed leave it better...
To her, I bow. Who knew soup could be this good???
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