Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I just don't know where to go with this one...

I am an old fart.  60.  Yeah, that old.

I am an American.  That alone gives me the right to scream against things that I feel are unjust and wrong.  And lord knows, I do.  Repeatedly.  I love that.  This county's founding father's gave me that right and I am thankful for that.  It has served me well and I have used it to my advantage numerous times.  I can protest, I can raise hell but most importantly I can vote.  Yes, I can vote!!!  If I don't like you then your ass is SO out of here.  Yeah, we the people...

Damned near 240 years ago we stood up to the most powerful empire in history and we kicked their ass.  A rag-tag group of  "revolutionary's" took a stand and said "NO!".  And we succeeded.  And then we founded a new country and wrote some of the most brilliant things imaginable.  Our Declaration of Independence, our Preamble and our Constitution are fucking amazing.  What is in those things are the most amazing things imaginable.  "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS???".  That is the most freakish break from reality that I have ever heard.  Yes, we are the only Constitution on the face of the planet that claims the pursuit of happiness as an unalienable right.  Yes, not only do I get the right to bitch, I get the right to be happy.  Really, really happy.  Mostly from being able to vote your sorry ass out of office.  Yes, whoosh away you Republican turd...

I came of age in the middle of Camelot, the Civil Rights Movement, the Sexual Revolution and
Gay Rights.  I remember the Freedom Riders and integration.  George Wallace.  Stonewall.  And way too many assassinations.  And let's not forget about Viet Nam.  I grew up with my heels dug in and standing my ground.  And got smacked down to that same ground just as many times but I managed to pick myself back up, bail myself out of jail, dust myself off and go back out there.  And go back out there again, even angrier than I was in the first place.  Why?  Because my Constitution not only told me that I could, it told me that I had to.  It wasn't so much a right as it was a duty.  It gave all of us the right to change things if we didn't like it.  Shake things up, as it were.

I have been given the delicious opportunity to live freely, bitch, vote and speak my mind openly without fear of retribution, imprisonment or torture..  For that I am unbelievably thankful.  Is this country perfect?  HELL NO!!!  The lessor of all evils?  Probably.  But at least we get to bitch about it openly.

We, the people...

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